A Retrospective — The Final Year of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Terrence Knox
2 min readJan 16, 2024


The final year of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life was a year of remarkable achievements in the face of significant opposition. In 1967, King faced mounting resistance to his civil rights work, particularly his opposition to the Vietnam War. However, he remained unwavering in his commitment to justice and nonviolence.

One of the defining moments of King’s final year was his speech at Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967. In it, he spoke out against the Vietnam War, boldly labeling it as a “madness” that was destroying lives and resources that could be better used to eradicate poverty and racism at home. The speech marked a turning point for King as he began to see the connection between social justice and peace.

King’s vision of a “beloved community” was also a central theme of his final year. He firmly believed one could only achieve true justice through love, compassion, and understanding. He worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between different communities, speaking out against racism, poverty, and militarism.

Despite his unwavering work, King faced fierce opposition in his final year. He was criticized by many who felt that his focus on peace and justice was too broad and that he should stick to the “safe” issue of civil rights. He was also criticized by some within the civil rights movement who believed his focus on nonviolence was too passive.

However, King remained steadfast in his commitment to his vision of a just and peaceful society. He continued to work tirelessly until his untimely assassination on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.

In conclusion, the final year of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life was a year of remarkable achievements and challenges in the face of great resistance. He spoke out boldly against the Vietnam War and worked tirelessly to bring different communities together. Despite fierce opposition, he remained resolute in his commitment to justice and nonviolence until his tragic death. Dr. King’s legacy inspires people worldwide to work towards a more just and peaceful society.



Terrence Knox

Terrence Knox is a freelance writer who covers various topics, from sports, history, politics, culture, and many more topics of discussion in today’s world.